The Times also agreed to conduct a quarterly review of the advertising of regular advertisers.
Newspaper-industry analysts said most of the paper's regular advertisers had stopped advertising since nine unions went on strike Oct. 25.
But the channel also has regular advertisers looking for more specific viewers.
This post involves ringing our regular advertisers and some new ones to sell our advertising space in the newsletter.
The networks can then sell air time that would have gone to the government for half price to regular advertisers for full price.
The publisher said that a number of his regular advertisers were interested in the project but that no advertising commitments had yet been reached.
However, most regular advertisers did not broadcast adverts during the show because the series did not have good ratings at the time.
Swan pens and Spratt's, the pet food makers, were among regular advertisers.
Normally, The News has about 600 regular advertisers, including department stores, auto dealers, appliance chains.
If it does, it will bring in three new major department stores, the kind of regular, heavy advertisers that newspapers most need to prosper.