In early 2003, the remaining four members of the No Angels began intensifying work on their third regular album.
The first edition of the album was soon sold out despite being much more expensive than a regular album.
In addition to the regular album, a "clean" version, with profanity removed, was also released.
Due to expense, the project was abandoned and cut down to a regular two-sided album.
The following is the track listing for the regular album:
Beatles for Sale did not surface as a regular album in the US until 1987.
These new mixes would also be made available on the 1999 and 2001 re-issues of the regular album.
Early regular albums contained 13 extended tracks, while starting from Vol.
Which by today's standards would be about 1/3 of a regular album.
The version featured on a regular album was sung by Candice Night.