Schmidt allows his regular caddie, Paul Sankey, to control his game during tournaments.
As Jamie was 10 shots behind going into the final round at Crans, his regular caddie, Mark Steers, was quite confident that he had chosen a good week to take off.
STEVE WILLIAMS, Woods's regular caddie, is taking a week off.
Pappas and his regular caddie for 18 months, Randy Phelps, argued during Thursday's round, and Phelps walked off the course in anger.
In the weeks following the Masters, Norman would stand and say to his regular caddie, Pete Bender, as he watched another golfer about to hit, "Well, this guy's gonna hole it."
He thanked Woods, then found a regular caddie, Tony Lingard, to work the second round.
Forgive my lack of modesty, but I am the most experienced and the best regular caddie at the Old Course at St. Andrews.
Proud Papa "Gary is John Daly-long," said John Sullivan, Jack Nicklaus's regular caddie who is carrying Gary's bag this week.
He began the tournament with a new driver and a new regular caddie, Carl Jackson, who has carried Crenshaw's bag at the Masters since 1976.