Home Made Simple distributes regular emails that include featured content, product news, sweepstakes and coupon offers from the sponsoring brands.
Another way to keep up with changes is to sign onto the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Web site to receive regular emails on recalled products.
To make sure you don't miss out, you can sign up for regular emails with details of the latest Health Club offers.
If you have not subscribed to specific email alerts you will still receive these regular emails but can unsubscribe at any time.
Join the social care network to receive regular emails and exclusive offers.
Join the Guardian Public Leaders Network free to receive regular emails on the issues at the top of the professional agenda.
Forwarded text messages emails can be replied to as if they were regular emails.
They unilaterally decided that I'd be delighted to get regular emails from them, merely because I bought some shaving cream.
Will is an avid fan of David Bowie and writes regular emails to that particular gentleman.
Alerting customers when new, upgraded or complimentary products become available - perhaps through regular emails or newsletters - is one way of increasing sales.