The 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus spreads just like regular flu.
Overall, H1N1 has not proven to be anymore of a threat than the regular seasonal flu, and most people who do catch the virus fully recover.
This will not prevent bird flu, but it may help you avoid getting the regular flu.
Then you should be terrified about the regular flu.
Canadian health officials have reported that swine flu is hospitalizing three to four times as many children as regular seasonal flu.
The real must-have, though, is the shot for regular, or seasonal, flu.
It proved incredibly lethal, producing 39,000 times more copies of itself than regular flu and killing all the mice in six days.
That activity threatened to deplete supplies needed for the regular flu.
It's interesting that you discuss the similarity between the H1N1 and the "regular" flu.
The symptoms of H1N1 flu are a lot like the regular seasonal flu.