Judicious use and careful, regular follow-up with a physician are therefore critically important.
They should continue to undergo regular follow-up since many kids grow out of the disorder as they get older.
Heart failure is most often a lifelong illness that will require frequent changes in your medicine schedule and regular follow-up with your doctor.
Children with very mild symptoms may outgrow their symptoms but need regular follow-up.
However, because relapse of the retinitis occurs among patients with immune recovery, regular ophthalmologic follow-up still is needed.
Your doctor may also suggest regular follow-up.
Close, regular follow-up is crucial to maximize the chance for salvage.
All in all, the present report requires, in my opinion, regular follow-ups or continuous re-assessment.
Furthermore, a regular follow-up every couple of weeks has been announced.
Amendment No 7 is superfluous because the decision already contains provisions on a regular follow-up of how objectives are achieved.