He is a stocky regular kind of guy who seems to know everybody in Shenzhen.
I use instant yeast because it works much better than the regular kind.
So classical music gets stuck because the new stuff isn't like the regular kind, the classics.
The sculpture suggests the most regular kind of natural cycle, yet its movement is filled with disorder and chance.
There seemed to be a shadow there, too, but at least this one looked as if it was the regular kind.
I mean, any god can send a dream if he wants to, but the regular kind that seem like nobody sent 'em are his.
The way he explained it, they weren't the regular official kind.
That answered his question: These bees were indeed dangerous, more so than the regular kind.
"We can't build a fire of the regular kind," he added a bit testily.
"People know me as a regular kind of girl."