When they have no appetite, they are fed beer to stimulate their eating, and receive regular massages.
If you enjoy and can afford it, get a regular massage as well.
If you can, start getting regular massages.
It tickled a little here, hurt a little there, just like a regular massage or a Jacuzzi, dry.
A regular massage was one of the expenses Ster- ling's clients had learned to expect.
It was this time, a physician from Chittoor island came to meet the King and offered an oil for regular massage.
If she says it's safe, schedule a regular massage in your home or hospital room to invigorate your body and soothe stiff muscles.
Try getting regular massages, listening to relaxing music, or learning yoga or tai chi.
A significant other can learn to provide regular massages - and a 20-minute session may be long enough to get results.
Thousands more have signed up for regular massage or for yoga classes in the effort to wash away the stresses and tensions of the day.