Naiad, the closest regular moon, is also the smallest among the inner moons, while Proteus is the largest regular moon.
Only the two outer largest regular moons have been imaged with a resolution sufficient to discern their shapes and surface features.
Only after Triton's orbit became circularised could some of the rubble re-accrete into the present-day regular moons.
Like most other regular planetary moons, Callisto's rotation is locked to be synchronous with its orbit.
The satellites enter the zone of the regular (larger) moons and are lost or ejected via collision and close encounters.
Indoors, we used a moon box, but that can't compete with a regular moon.
Caliban follows a distant orbit, more than 10 times further from Uranus than the furthest regular moon Oberon.
Sycorax follows a far orbit, more than 20 times farther from Uranus than the farthest regular moon Oberon.
In astronomy, a regular moon is a natural satellite following a relatively close and prograde orbit with little orbital inclination or eccentricity.
Do you fellows accept the regular or big moon of the Earth?