Since 1960, the game has alternated between both teams' home stadiums as the regular season finale.
But he had not started since last April 10, a 5-4 loss to the Islanders in the regular season finale.
Krakau's best game of his 1972 senior campaign came in the regular season finale against Nebraska.
He also came off the bench to play the regular season finale at Stanford.
They concluded their regular season finale with an inspiring black-orange-black combination.
Daniel was promoted to the active roster prior to regular season finale on January 1, 2010.
Cal's regular season finale came on the road against Arizona State.
As it is, they find themselves heading into Sunday's regular season finale with their playoff hopes in doubt.
This was the 16th time in the last 17 years that they had won their regular season finale.
He was inactive for the team's regular season finale.