The subject matter is calibrated to be inside enough for regular theatergoers and broad enough for tourists.
No research has tracked youngsters who were exposed to theater in school to see if they became regular theatergoers.
He knew the layout better even than most regular theatergoers here.
I have this theory that regular theatergoers will go to any number of musicals you put before them in a season, but only go to one play.
Women, who also make up the majority of ticket buyers, are more likely to be regular and repeat theatergoers.
By getting newcomers to overcome their initial reluctance, the theory goes, these people will be more likely to attend other productions in the future, perhaps even becoming regular theatergoers.
Sadly, a New York adolescent's life as a regular theatergoer is becoming the exception to the rule.
For regular theatergoers, not to mention regular moviegoers and television watchers, actors are a bit like the weather: usually good, sometimes bad, but always there.
"Well, I used to be a regular Saturday-afternoon theatergoer; but now that I've attained responsible age, I see the folly of wasting planets that way."
Look into your own heart, regular theatergoer.