"Viewers" refers to the average number of viewers for all original episodes, broadcast during the television season in the series' regular timeslot.
It started in its regular timeslot, the following day, replacing the canceled The City.
While the show did well in the ratings, CBS was unwilling to commit to a regular timeslot.
This episode aired half an hour later at 7pm due to a Seven News special in its regular timeslot.
The series began in the summer of 2004 as a 10-episode experiment, after which it succeeded to its own regular timeslot.
The episode received a 3.7 rating/10 share among viewers aged 18-49, the lowest rating in that age group for the season during its regular timeslot.
Live., the successor to MOD, premiered at its regular timeslot.
The series returned on April 12, 2010, with its regular timeslot, starting at 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm.
The following week it was moved to its regular timeslot at 8:00 pm, and was eventually the only comedy after Free Agents was cancelled.
A common problem with the scripts, according to Novak, is that they tend to run too-long for the regular 22-minute timeslot, leading to several cuts.