While regular workouts cannot transform an 80-year-old body into that of a 50-year-old, increases in strength are comparable to those experienced by much younger people.
I said, "A woman of your advancing years needs regular workouts, else she gets out of shape."
But the operations involved in changing the position of the handle (something you must do quite often during a regular workout) are far from fluid.
He is down to just one drug, and he attributes that to regular workouts.
"The reason some of us started skating is because we're bored with regular workouts off the ice."
Consider the following 10 health benefits you can get from even a moderate regular workout.
Rex Walters often practices the shot for up to an hour after the team's regular workout has concluded.
A few minutes later, Stanley Barlow shows up for his regular workout.
But after three months of regular workouts, lung capacity fell only 10 percent after exercise.
Beyond getting stronger, Sharon's regular workouts gave her more confidence.