The church attracts many regular worshippers from among the undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty at Boston-area universities.
Later in the 19th century, two future British Prime Ministers were regular worshippers at the chapel.
He composed a few devotional songs for the benefit of regular worshippers at this temple.
Sir Henry Grayne had been a regular worshipper at St Monica's.
Another change for the community is the decline of the Adventist church, where there are now only 8 regular worshippers.
They ministered to more than 200,000 regular worshippers.
"The Sabbath is just the break we needed," said one educator, who is a regular worshipper.
In short, if a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife's devotions, only one child in 50 will become a regular worshipper.
The infants school is an unapologetically Church of England School which gives priority to regular worshippers.
Occupying an area of 1,840 square metres today, the temple has approximately 4,000 regular worshippers and more than 300 registered members.