ELWAY'S CAREER Below are the college statistics and professional regular-season statistics for John Elway, who is in his 7th season with Denver.
Statistical Roundup The regular-season statistics are in for the unofficial categories discussed in this space in the past few months.
But Manning, in a second half that will be remembered for his incredible poise, proved the toll of his talent is more than his regular-season statistics.
After the 2004-05 season, James signed a 5-year, $30 million free-agent contract with the Knicks on the strength of an outstanding performance in the 2 playoff series in which he tripled his regular-season statistics.
In baseball statistics the tie-breaker counted as the 155th and 156th regular-season games for both teams, with all events in the series added to regular-season statistics.
While his regular-season statistics are remarkable, in postseason play, where the pressure is at its highest, he is sui generis.
Some overlooked regular-season statistics shed some light on why Whisenhunt felt confident putting the playoffs in his receivers' hands.
Kidd's career playoff statistics are nearly identical to his career regular-season statistics: 12.6 points, 9.9 assists and 5.6 rebounds in the playoffs compared with 14.2 points, 9.4 assists and 6.4 rebounds in the regular season.
Brownlie had modest regular-season statistics this season.
WHITE'S CAREER Lorenzo White's regular-season statistics as he begins his senior season at Michigan State.