However, regular-season success did not carry into the playoffs.
Among Detroit's problems, at the most memorable time of the season, is that its regular-season success left the team with few obstacles to overcome.
Tonight, Tony Dungy was the latest coach to learn the lesson that regular-season success doesn't mean job security.
Because despite their regular-season success, the Braves have only one World Series championship to show for it.
The familiar first-half trappings of their regular-season success told them as much.
Manning, for all his regular-season success and stratospheric statistics, is in an unenviable position.
For the Giants, playing well in the preseason has also usually predicted regular-season success.
Now the question is whether New York can turn its hard-earned but sometimes inconsistent regular-season success into the soul of a playoff machine.
But sustaining their regular-season success through the playoffs may be difficult for the Penguins.
However, regular-season success did not transfer over into the playoffs.