He regularly evaluates international opinion surveys which deal with economic and social policy topics.
If you decide not to try disease-modifying therapy at this time, you can work with your doctor to regularly evaluate whether the disease is progressing.
If you are not taking disease-modifying therapy at this time, you can continue to work with your doctor to regularly evaluate the disease's progress.
Directors, meanwhile, now take more seriously their fiduciary duties to regularly evaluate the chief executive's peformance.
Regularly evaluate completed training to help you identify any remaining skills gaps in your business.
Each student's team covers all subject areas, and regularly evaluate the student's academic plan, and progress.
The group regularly evaluates the marketplace and recommends and oversees improvements to public information offerings.
I'd be willing to bet they regularly evaluate video over each new wireless standard as well.
And it does not lead the university into the difficult task of regularly evaluating living standards for workers with different family structures.
A monitor will regularly evaluate and report on the company's compliance with the provisions of the consent decree.