The revenue of such a man can regularly pass through his hands only once in a year.
The schools are good: more than 90 percent of students regularly pass their English Regents.
The two spacecraft regularly passed within 60 miles of each other.
On the way to the train station, he regularly passes the same runners at exactly the same point.
A city taxi driver who regularly passes through the village laughed at such a notion.
They moved along nicely, but people regularly passed them, even the big trucks.
In a room with open windows and doors that people regularly pass through, air cleaners will not be as efficient.
Until planes were flying again and cars passed regularly along the road beyond the fields, curiosity as to what had happened would wait.
All of us regularly pass the room where this exhibition took place and which now bears his name.
The line remains open and high-speed trains regularly pass through, but the station closed in January 1965.