Drum rolls regularly punctuate the play, in case you had any ideas about going to sleep.
What could be more sensible in an American gun culture that is regularly punctuated by the tragic deaths of children who happen upon family weapons?
The music went on, the women regularly punctuated its cadences with their yodeling screams.
Its rounded trunk is regularly punctuated with bilateral buds ready to send branches (and Christianity) out in every direction.
The soundtrack is regularly punctuated by ominous heartbeats.
The overriding theme of following one's dream is regularly punctuated by scenes depicting the disappointments and loss of self-esteem that frequently accompany the quest.
Yet this pleasant haze is regularly punctuated by hard reality: teen-agers killing teen-agers, terrorists blowing up fairgrounds.
The first years of nationalisation were thus regularly punctuated by government demands for consideration of rationing by price or by direct load limitation.
Thursday's opening-night show of the singer's three-night engagement at Radio City Music Hall was regularly punctuated by such gestures.
The grunting, which regularly punctuates "Home Improvement," is Mr. Allen's signature as a comedian.