The projects regularly require several tens of thousands of bricks, and occasionally hundreds of thousands.
He regularly requires his graduate classes to read five books a week, some of them as large as the Bible.
However, the second person singular verb form regularly requires an appropriate pronoun for distinction.
Commander Skinner, a position of command regularly requires you to send men into situations where loss of life, civilian and departmental, is a primary risk.
As evaporation is rapid, the chamber beneath will require regularly topping up with fresh water.
He regularly required a secure disposal site to bury forever those interesting but failed experiments that must never be discovered by ordinary humans.
Contrary to custom, he did not play the carillon or the harpsichord on formal occasions; nor was he regularly required to produce compositions.
Meanwhile in the LKA, Highbury 4 were regularly requiring to field two players from the higher leagues to form a complete and legal team.
Cabinet status is to designate broad areas of policy that regularly require the chief executive's attention.
This casting process is advantageous for very complex castings, that would regularly require cores.