Players from around the world regularly share ideas and tips in Doom discussion groups on the global network known as Usenet.
Knievel would regularly share his anti-drug message, as it was another one of his core values.
But he does not regularly share it with anyone in the N.B.A. and mostly shows his poetry to family members.
All four had fronted their own groups and became friends after regularly sharing the stage at gigs.
He regularly shares his message of hope, inspiration and the importance of making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Most volunteers are trained by local police, and Shomrim regularly shares its information on crime with officers.
There was no one Stern knew of besides Kate who regularly shared Peter's company.
He regularly shares his views on such topics with the wider online community through his blogs.
The population that regularly share genes (termed the deme) is estimated to be between 25 and 50 hectares around each tree.
But if you don't regularly share your PC, it seems silly and even annoying to have to log in to your own machine.