The satellite was regularly subjected to radiation from orbiting Russian reactors that disrupted its instruments.
Web sites in Israel are regularly subjected to attacks by Palestinians or others sympathetic to their cause.
Furthermore, sociological propagandist studies show that 30 per cent of married women are regularly subjected to physical violence.
For example, Christianity is regularly subjected to the most scathing condemnation.
Human rights activists in the Soviet Union were regularly subjected to harassment, repressions and arrests.
Similarly many of the band's punk followers felt the band failed to understand the violence to which they were regularly subjected to from the extreme right.
The entire region is regularly subjected to strong earthquakes from this activity.
The Battery was regularly subjected to bombardments that did no damage.
I believe that transatlantic relations are regularly subjected to crucial tests.
At the two-hour discussion, several angry parents complained that their children were regularly subjected to racist taunts by fellow students.