The association cannot regulate personalized E-mail or communications posted by the public on electronic bulletin boards sponsored by its members.
Big companies with thousands of workstations use gateways by the bushel to regulate communications into and out of their systems.
Only half work legally, with a license of Conatel, the agency that regulates communications.
The GRA is the statutory body in Gibraltar responsible for regulating electronic communications.
The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.
But making censorship the filter would signal a fundamental change in the role that the Government plays in regulating communications.
These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Johnson also suggested that President Bush ease rules regulating "oral communications."
State commissioners, meanwhile, argued that their right to regulate intrastate communications was being trampled by Washington.
I wonder how many colleagues who have contributed to this debate this evening have actually bothered to read the new package that regulates electronic communications.