The Federal Trade Commission was created in 1914 to regulate competition among American companies.
The major airlines strongly opposed the department's efforts, arguing that the antitrust laws were sufficient to regulate competition.
The multi-party system that existed until the coup d'état of 1968 served to regulate competition for political power among the leading families.
These associations regulated competition and allowed small firms to function in the shadow of much larger companies.
They were anxious to help regulate competition throughout the product market by establishing uniform rates of pay and standard conditions.
They also began an arms control process to regulate nuclear competition.
These questions do not interest the European authorities, which are too preoccupied with regulating competition in the cultural business world.
The aim of the Commission's new directive is regulated competition.
Consequently, the Community's role in regulating competition is of major importance.
Strict rules are placed within the entire project to help regulate and promote competition.