It also serves for regulating flood control water into the Everglades during hurricane season.
The vegetation along the river and stream sides also help regulate the water's temperature during the long and hot summers.
Most animals have evolved some sort of system for regulating brain temperature during exercise, but how horses do it has been a mystery.
L. 94-279) to further regulate animal treatment during transportation.
Most nations have separate military laws which regulate conduct in war and during peacetime.
Sweating is a natural body function that helps to regulate temperature, especially during exercise or hot weather.
The algae also serve to regulate temperature, moisture and salinity during low tide.
Ganirelix is used along with other medications to regulate hormones during treatment for infertility in women.
There must be better ways to do it now, maybe by regulating the growth of the tarsal bones during adolescence.
In addition, a reservoir's flood control capacity is the amount of water it can regulate during flooding.