The bill approved today would put New York at the forefront in regulating lobbying of local governments, which have taken on growing responsibilities in recent years.
He has been prominent in efforts to regulate lobbying and gifts to members of Congress, which were passed, and to overhaul campaign spending, which have failed.
The Elections Division administers elections, regulates campaign finance and lobbying, and ensures compliance with state and federal election laws.
A1 Senate Passes Lobbying Bill The State Senate approved a bill that would toughen the law regulating lobbying in New York.
The House of Representatives this week takes up "patients' rights" legislation to regulate the managed-care industry, an issue fraught with election-year politics, ferocious lobbying and disputes that cut to the heart of the health care system.
He said the commission took a similar phased-in approach when it began regulating lobbying at the local government level.
I feel the occupy movement does have a basic underlying message; Stop letting money decide political elections; And regulate corporate lobbying (and all lobbying) making it a public forum.
Very few European countries have regulated lobbying.
They should now be urged to take up the initiative and show that responsible corporations have a vital role to play in the process of regulating lobbying.
As with the ethics law, the law regulating lobbying is considered porous.