Back when electric utilities were regulated monopolies they were on the way to installing these on everyone's meters for no upcharge.
Unlike traditional utilities, which are regulated monopolies with a limited service area, independent power producers can build plants and sell electricity anywhere.
But as the local phone companies move from being regulated monopolies to players in a competitive market, many analysts believe there is plenty of room for additional cutting.
Brandeis's positions on regulating large corporations and monopolies carried over into the presidential campaign of 1912.
His platform included abolishing the national banking system, regulating monopolies, reducing tariffs, and allowing the railroads to regulate themselves through competition.
The Baby Bells are regulated monopolies, allowed to charge their residential customers rates that cover legitimate costs.
Antitrust laws would be used to regulate monopolies.
Revenue-cap regulation is a similar means of regulating monopolies, except instead of prices being the regulated variable, regulators set revenue limits.
Ten years ago, most public utilities were regulated monopolies.
Similarly, without marketing monopolies to protect, there will be far less spent to influence the governments that set the rules that regulate such monopolies.