Radiation induces nuclear regulating proteins, these are able to regulate cytokines, which may themselves have secondary effects on eicosanoids.
Following activation of adenylate cyclase, the resulting cAMP acts as a second messenger by interacting with and regulating other proteins such as protein kinase A and cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels.
Third, cells use many other mechanisms to regulate proteins in addition to altering the amount of mRNA, so these genes may stay consistently expressed even when protein concentrations are rising and falling.
An individual signal transduction pathway can regulate several proteins (e.g. kinases) as well as the activation of many genes.
Though typically associated with heat-induced protein expression, RNA thermometers can also regulate cold-shock proteins.
Detailed molecular structures are known for a number of UBDs, binding specificity determines their mechanism of action and regulation, and how it regulates cellular proteins and processes.
Intracellularly, they can directly regulate proteins that control cell fate.
Protein degradation via the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) allows the cell to selectively negatively regulate intracellular proteins.
The WT1 gene product shows similarity to the zinc fingers of the mammalian growth regulated early growth response protein 1 (EGR1) and (EGR2) proteins.
IP3 causes calcium to be released from vesicles into the cytoplasm, which in turn regulates proteins which are sensitive to high calcium concentrations.