The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission regulates electric, natural gas, telecommunications, steam, water and sewer utilities.
Mr. Peralta's revelation unleashed a storm of suspicion around Iusacell, especially among Mexican officials in charge of regulating telecommunications.
Communications law also includes various state laws regulating public utilities, telecommunications, cable television, and wireless antennas.
Communications responsibilities includes regulating telecommunications, postal services, broadcasting and print media.
The Mississippi Public Service Commission regulates telecommunications, electric, gas, water and sewer utilities in the state of Mississippi.
The Australian Broadcasting Authority was an Australian government agency whose main roles were to regulate broadcasting, radiocommunications and telecommunications.
The German agency that regulates telecommunications said today that it would allow telephone companies to cut costs by sharing parts of the network that will support the new wireless services.
The NJBPU regulates natural gas, electricity, water, telecommunications and cable television services.
The statements came at a hearing in Albany that focused on the Public Service Commission, which regulates the electric, gas, telecommunications, steam, water and cable utilities.
The Utilities Commission is a quasi-judicial agency responsible for regulating investor-owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, and water and sewer companies providing service in North Carolina.