Con Ed is a regulated utility headquartered in Manhattan.
Under the new system, many regulated utilities only deliver power, which they buy from competing producers whose prices are not regulated.
Q. So information technology should become a regulated utility with universal service?
"A regulated utility telling shareholders we won't consider your proposals?"
A regulated utility will develop a time-based pricing schedule on analysis of its cost on a long-run basis, including both operation and investment costs.
It is a regulated public utility which serves 632,000 customers in 342 communities, employing 1,035 employees.
Terasen Gas is a regulated utility in British Columbia.
Tri-County Cooperative chose to remain a regulated utility.
Federal law also requires the regulated utilities to transmit the power that the independents sell to wholesale customers like municipal utilities.
"The real issue is whether solid waste is going to be a regulated utility or is it going to be free enterprise?"