Though zoning regulations adopted in 1986 call upon architects to emulate Times Square's dazzle, few of the new buildings manage to look lively.
The new regulation, in effect, adopts these more recent court rulings as Government policy.
About 30 states have adopted legislation or regulations, many of which permit phone companies to add a monthly charge of 50 cents to $1.25 to pay for the technology.
The proposed regulations adopt objective tests and exclude evidence or inquiry about sexual relationships between household members.
Once my regulations adopted, everyone must conform to them.
Though some merchants resisted, the regulation passed in 1997 and 34 Connecticut municipalities have since adopted similar rules.
The Federal Communications Commission shall prescribe that the regulation adopted pursuant to subsection (a) shall become effective 1 year after the date of its adoption.
We must make certain that the regulations being prepared, which have been submitted to this Parliament, adopt this approach.
I believe that, with these proposals, the regulation adopts a far broader outlook in terms of the management of major emergencies.
It is worth noting that this debate is being held and this important regulation adopted in an enlarged Union including ten new countries.