However, the industry complained that the stricter initial regulations called too much attention to the finely ground bone and that the product failed to gain widepread use.
Ms. Ryles said regulations called for a night patrol of the hospital ward every hour but "apparently that was not the case" during the 11-to-7 patrol's tour of duty.
It is tasked with creating a uniform system of regulations, called UN Regulations, for vehicle design to facilitate international trade.
Christian, Muslim or Jewish, they are all days when alternate-side regulations, officially called Street Cleaning Rules, go by the boards.
The industry has argued that the regulation, called new source review, is onerous and contradictory.
The regulation called for in the UIGEA were issued in November 2008.
The regulations called for it to be changed if it was "manifestly incorrect."
The regulations, called norms, won Vatican approval last December.
So Congress updated the act in 1977, introducing a regulation called new-source review to bring older plants into compliance.
Far faster than standard regulations called for, that was for sure.