Old Westbury's regulations only control sprinklers, not hand-watering with a hose.
The public is way ahead of the politicians in understanding that incremental regulation won't control handgun violence.
Other regulations controlled areas frequented by prostitutes and the clothes that they could wear.
This regulation controls parts of the sulfur metabolism of marine bacteria.
These regulations control the operation of buses and taxis.
After you put your helmets on, I want you to find the regulation controls on the right side.
It would be the first time that federal regulations specifically controlled emissions of carbon dioxide, the main so-called greenhouse gas.
That is because the plan calls for using inherently unpredictable free markets, rather than rigid regulations, to control emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Implements pertinent laws and regulations on firearms and explosives control.
Federal laws and regulations control where and for whom states and localities spend this money.