This regulation, known as the 12-hour rule, requires the equivalent of at least 360 instructional hours per academic year.
The culprit here has been a regulation known as Nationwide Permit 26.
Land use is governed by a set of regulations generally known as ordinances or municipal codes, which are authorized by the state's zoning enabling law.
Industry executives said the regulation, known as Rule 144a, would give corporations greater ability to raise capital in a more liquid private market.
But a 1974 Federal regulation known as the cross-ownership rule prohibits a company from owning a newspaper and a television station in the same geographic market.
In 1992 a European eco-labelling regulation, known as the EU Flower, was also adopted.
The commission will issue a "notice of proposed rule-making" on the regulation, known as the prime-time access rule, at its next scheduled meeting on Oct. 20.
The regulation, known as California Technical Bulletin 133, is widely regarded as the nation's most protective.
They all live according to a body of regulations known as "The Rule of St. Francis".
Broadcasters were delighted today that they had finally prevailed in challenging the two regulations, known as the political editorial and personal attack rules.