Although the Securities Act of 1933 prohibited fraudulent sales of securities, no regulation precluded fraudulent purchases.
He said other state laws or regulations could preclude such a step.
Law and regulation preclude women from engaging in direct combat, such as carrying a rifle to seek an enemy in the jungle.
They must provide a sufficient buffer and access to water; those regulations preclude subdividing.
SBS had wanted to take full control, but Poland's regulations preclude foreign ownership of television properties.
The law is intended to provide housing for people of moderate means in towns where zoning regulations and land costs preclude almost all housing for lower-income families.
Law and regulations preclude women from direct combat but definitions have been revised over the years to permit women to go more and more into harm's way.
The new regulations even preclude abortion counseling for women who have a medical problem that would endanger their lives.
It is generally anticipated that there will be one medalist each year, but the regulation does not preclude either several medalists or no medalist.
However, the Central Bank has always maintained to date that regulations and/or laws preclude the frontloading of the general public with banknotes.