However, other proposed regulations on "grassroots lobbying" remain under consideration in the 110th Congress.
But the regulation, written into the zoning code, and a vestigial remnant of the board - whose membership is kept secret - remain.
Officials said that the review could take a year or more and that the current regulations would remain in force in the meantime.
The Government says that the regulations remain in force while it appeals the rulings.
Others argued that the current regulations that the judge struck down could remain in force until the commission writes new ones.
However, the regulations of the Federation remained in use in each country until superseded by local legislation.
As regards the supply of alcoholic beverages, however, the existing regulations should remain in place.
Many things are changing in the skies at the moment, but the old regulation on liquids still remains in place.
In view of this, I agree that the current regulation should remain in force until 1 January 2013.
In the meantime, present regulations and operating methods remain in effect.