Moral regulators believe people are tempted by sin and need a strong hand to keep them in line.
Ofgem will make energy companies simplify their billing structures to help overhaul a system the regulator believes is stifling competition.
The regulators do not believe that any company changed vital therapeutic ingredients.
The insurance fund says it has a deficit, and Congress and some regulators believe it must be buttressed with additional funds.
The legislation would crack down on fraud, which state regulators now believe accounts for as much as 20 percent of the cost of premiums.
In the new system, the regulators believe, the marketplace will encourage efficiency, with some energy companies trying to attract customers by offering conservation services.
Indeed, the survey found that in regions where few states have deregulated, most regulators believed that consumers were better served by traditional, regulated utilities.
The regulators believe operators may have waited too long to shut down the reactor after discovering that a valve had malfunctioned.
It was unclear whether regulators believe MCorp will survive or might need aid in 1989.
"This is the best consensus approach, and one the regulators believe in," Mr. Grasso said.