Local regulators demanded that other factories install better pollution equipment or face closing.
It's not hard to see why regulators have demanded tougher rules.
Biotechnology companies argue that regulators should demand clinical trials for each version of a protein drug.
Financial regulators have demanded that lenders clean up their balance sheets faster.
Usually, the regulators have demanded only that the hospital draw up a plan to correct the problems; occasionally, the regulators have assessed fines.
Other regulators are demanding better storage, as well.
In February 1991 regulators demanded higher capital standards which Meritor failed to meet.
With each acquisition or increase in cable fees, more regulators and Congressmen demanded greater public control over what had become the nation's largest cable empire.
Many institutions had been hit hard by losses on real estate loans, and regulators were demanding that they keep more capital on hand.
Negotiations to settle the matter halted a few weeks later when the regulator demanded that the company hire an independent monitor to scrutinize past transactions.