If Congress enacts that proposal, the new regulatory arrangement would presumably be open to the same constitutional challenge that the Court sidestepped today.
Such possibilities can be created by developing strong and effective regulatory arrangements, both within and outside the organisations.
Such nanotechnologies and their accompanying industries have triggered calls for increased community participation and effective regulatory arrangements.
The regulatory arrangement is remarkably similar to fire safety in the U.S. and Canada.
The regulatory arrangements of all the approved regulators defined in Sch.
Approved regulators must operate a complaints system as part of their internal regulatory arrangements (s. 112).
In addition, the loan will address reforms of the institutional and regulatory arrangements required for the management of the wastewater sector.
In the European Union we need to establish effective and binding regulatory arrangements to solve this problem sooner rather than later.
The Office will also help to promote convergence between regulatory arrangements which apply in the EU in the field of asylum rights.
The way to do this is by looking at transport as an integrated system in which infrastructure, transport information technologies and regulatory arrangements work together effectively.