Other regulatory initiatives, like the collecting of data and sales practices for traders, are still in dispute or discussion among the three agencies.
This is the second time that the two British drug producers have faced regulatory initiatives.
In addition, the office monitors legislative, regulatory and tax initiatives that will affect the industry.
"They have opposed every regulatory initiative on ergonomics for the past 10 years, and I don't see them suddenly changing now."
There are many regulatory initiatives in place that will lead to reductions in air emissions from electric power generation.
One reason is that a regulatory initiative begun two years ago is starting to bear fruit in the current crop of annual reports.
While regulatory and private initiatives have relieved many of the biggest headaches in the banking system, however, the industry's woes are far from over.
But when talking about legislation or a host of regulatory initiatives, by putting people in a room together, everyone can walk out a winner.
Some of the regulatory initiatives abandoned in 1981 are likely to come up again this week, as Congressional committees hold hearings into the current recall.
But, over the past century or so, new regulatory initiatives have inevitably been greeted with predictions of doom from the very businesses they eventually helped.