Given the lack of regulatory law for consumer protection, the attorneys general are definitely the big kids on the block right now.
The cloud deposited by the instant case on modern administrative and regulatory law is bad enough in the legal sense.
These have been incorporated to a greater or lesser degree into the regulatory laws of several jurisdictions.
Croley has been described as having "a genius for regulatory law."
The firm's main areas of practice are corporate, IP, technology and regulatory law.
Municipal by-laws are public regulatory laws which apply in a certain area.
He is one of the nation's leading experts on environmental law, regulatory law and policy.
So, since 1991, the Government has passed 270 new financial and regulatory laws to facilitate the next stage of development.
Hedge funds must conform to the national, federal and state regulatory laws in their respective locations.
Auto dealers, lobbyists and big banks will be just fine under the new regulatory law.