Without the legislation, the financial industry has been forced to exploit regulatory loopholes or seek court rulings to allow them to make new financial combinations.
Taking Steps But regional officials say they are trying to close regulatory loopholes and toughen penalties.
They abandoned provisions that would have locked in regulatory loopholes that effectively allow a company to push beyond the remaining ownership limits.
Critics say this is a regulatory loophole leading to excesses by developers who seek to profit from the sand market by maximizing excavation.
In rebuttal, Mr. Waxman said that limiting the agency's jurisdiction to products with explicit health claims would "revolutionize" food and drug law and create a huge regulatory loophole.
The 1978-1979 Dodge Li'l Red Truck was a sassy little performance number made possible by a regulatory loophole.
The bill would establish an independent body to oversee accountants, and attempt to close regulatory loopholes.
The State of Wisconsin sought to close this regulatory loophole in order to keep consumer prices low.
The "regulatory loophole" that has tarnished fracking's public image is not limited to the industry keeping its fracking chemicals secret.
The regulatory loophole that rewards officials (and awards renewables credits to utilities) for wind capacity even if is not connected to the grid has received much attention in the press.