Once the proposal was shaped, the next job was to assure that it would pass regulatory muster.
Now, the Department of Justice is taking a look at the telecom's recent spectrum buys to make sure they pass regulatory muster.
CVS stressed yesterday that its offer had already passed regulatory muster.
Both companies expressed confidence that they would pass regulatory muster.
Under such agreements, if a product or a factory passes regulatory muster on one side of the Atlantic, it should automatically be accepted on the other.
Though Whirlpool and Maytag executives said they were confident the deal would pass regulatory muster, the consolidation of market share will almost certainly draw heavy antitrust scrutiny.
Park proponents dismiss such claims, saying they expect it to pass regulatory muster.
Ameritech stock, for instance, fell almost 5 percent yesterday on fears that its acquisition by SBC Communications would not pass regulatory muster.
Lawyers, lawmakers and lobbyists were almost unanimous in predicting that such a deal would never pass regulatory muster.
Even so, he was one of the lawyers who said a fair nationwide pricing plan could pass regulatory muster.