Dr. Pasternak sold 10,000 ImClone shares last Dec. 28, hours before the company announced the regulatory setback.
In the latest regulatory setback for a biotechnology company, the Corixa Corporation said yesterday that its drug for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma would not win approval anytime soon.
He began to experience financial and regulatory setbacks in Mainland China.
Mr. Leibowitz of Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette believes that as the power of the cable industry grows more apparent, it may suffer a few regulatory setbacks.
He will have to devise a backup plan for storing nuclear waste, should the proposed burial site at Yucca Mountain prove untenable after legal and regulatory setbacks.
Nevertheless, there are clear parallels with other companies that have experienced clinical or regulatory setbacks.
The first products created by genetic engineering are now on sale despite a series of technical and regulatory setbacks.
A prime objective is to revive the pharmaceuticals operation, Organon, which has been hurt by the introductions of generic competitors as well as regulatory setbacks related to new drugs.
Officials from Home Depot also said the regulatory setback would not change their plans.
The industry's development in the last 10 years has taken longer than expected amid a series of technical and regulatory setbacks.