People seeking medical care related to possible exposure can contact Jamba Juice to learn about their reimbursement policy for related medical expenses and obtain a reimbursement form by calling 1-877-217-4780.
From the description above, you can see why I might have written Power Grid off as an exercise in tedium, a game with all the excitement of filling out reimbursement forms.
The Adoption-Friendly Workplace Toolkit includes a sample proposal, policy, reimbursement form, frequently asked questions, news release and tax summary.
DAVID ... looking over your reimbursement forms, and-- MICHAEL (evasively) It was a great seminar.
Though there is normally a small co-payment for each primary-care visit, from about $2 to $15, you pay no deductible, fill out no reimbursement forms and pay nothing more to see the approved specialist.
Indeed, officials from Con Edison, who have been going door to door, brought a reimbursement form by the store for Mr. Langone to fill out, but he declined, saying the amount was not enough.
If none of these appeal to the students, they can fill out a reimbursement form.
I need you to go through and fill out the appropriate reimbursement forms.
Instead of having to fill out a reimbursement form to cover eligible expenses, account holders can use a MasterCard or Visa card to pay a drugstore, doctor or other provider directly.
So Bob over in marketing has to boot into Windows to fill out his reimbursement form.