"The reimbursement system just doesn't make sense anymore," she said.
She said the changes are "merely technical amendments" to the reimbursement system.
Q. Doesn't a preventive strategy require changing our medical reimbursement system?
The reimbursement system for Medicaid has been a matter of fierce debate since its adoption in 1987.
When it adopted the new reimbursement system, the Legislature approved a plan that used 1985 as a base year for the costs of medical care.
Ambulance companies across the country are adjusting to the new reimbursement system.
She also illustrates a serious problem with Medicare's reimbursement system: thousands of patients do not understand their rights to coverage.
Medicare has made some adjustments to its reimbursement system to reflect the value of services provided, but it hasn't gone far enough.
In particular, we propose an examination of national pricing and reimbursement systems.
"This literally takes the entire reimbursement system and trashes it."