The folded-space transporter unit before her completed its phase-shift cycle with a hiss of displaced molecules and commenced the reintegration process.
General David Petraeus said 700 fighters have now been through a "reintegration process" and another 2,000 were in "various stages" of the process.
The film is notable for following the first Reservists deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and therefore the first of these soldiers to begin the reintegration process.
During the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration process, the differing needs of female and male ex-combatants had to be taken into account.
What Manos is trying to do is to get its members out of Colombian prisons so that they may join their comrades in the reintegration process.
This, in addition to regular checkups by the state to ensure that neglect/abuse does not happen again) aids the families in the reintegration process.
When Reed claims that Doom has made a crucial mistake in the reintegration process, Doom refuses to listen.
When this reintegration process does not take place, liminality becomes permanent, and can also become very dangerous.
Following a brief stay in Guam, part of the planned reintegration process, the soldiers arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, on July 28-30, 2002.
Cooperation between prisons and firms specialising in jobs for prisoners must evidently be encouraged as part of the reintegration process.