Unlike the mechanistic materialists, Renaud rejects determinism and defends free will, which is itself a force of nature.
Evola rejected biological determinism for race but was a supporter of spiritual Nordicism.
They rejected Marxist economic determinism and the notion of class struggle being the only determining antagonism in society.
Incompatibilists who accept free will but reject determinism are called Libertarians, a term not to be confused with the political sense.
Building on these and other practical strategies, we can reject economic determinism and choose a sustainable, satisfying future that includes all of us.
In making his case for panentheism, Hartshorne sought to distinguish panentheism, which rejects determinism, from deterministic pantheism.
It thus rejected economic determinism being instead far more libertarian.
He is a prominent member of the "cyberrealist school," which rejects technological determinism of both the utopian and dystopian kind.
Dupré tries to escape this problem by rejecting determinism, and the assumption that there is a physical cause for each and every event.
Hard Indeterminism (rejecting both determinism and free will)