Because Pastafarians "reject dogma and formalism", there are no specific requirements for Holiday.
Brahmos reject dogma and superstition.
The Amsterdam Declaration explicitly states that Humanism rejects dogma, and imposes no creed upon its adherents.
Priests would reject dogma and "old cant".
In this he has rejected dogma.
Rejecting or embracing artistic dogma and the canon of great works is the foundation of any artwork.
Secular humanism - philosophy or life stance that embraces human reason, ethics, social justice and philosophical naturalism, whilst specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision making.
For Schopenhauer, who rejected most Christian dogma, and Wagner, the literal forms of religion were outworn symbols for spiritual truths.
The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched, proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change.
Spiritual Deists reject all divine revelation, religious dogma, and supernatural events and favor an ongoing personalized connection with the divine presence through intuition, communion with nature, meditation and contemplation.