The conventional wisdom regarding the 1994 Republican sweep was that voters had decisively rejected old-style liberalism.
And are voters who worry about such issues really rejecting government and liberalism?
On Tuesday, this nation rejected liberalism, primarily because liberalism has been taken captive by the left.
Although Barth's theology rejected German Protestant liberalism, his theology has usually not found favour with those at the other end of the theological spectrum: confessionalists and fundamentalists.
Revisionist Maximalism rejects communism, humanism, internationalism, liberalism, pacifism and socialism; condemned liberal Zionists for only working for middle-class Jews rather than the Jewish nation as a whole.
Therefore he rejected liberalism.
A small number of punks are conservative or right-libertarian, rejecting anarchism, liberalism, communism and socialism in favor of free market capitalism, a minimal government and private ownership of property.
Unlike most other Austrian School economists, he rejected classical liberalism, writing that "freedom has to be superseded by a system of order."
The Conservative prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, rejected classical liberalism altogether and advocated Tory Democracy.
Right-wing populism is a political ideology that rejects existing political consensus and usually combines laissez-faire liberalism and anti-elitism.